It is a file stored on your computer or another device when visiting certain websites that collect data about your navigation in this website. In some cases, cookies are necessary for making the navigation easier and they allow storing and recovering data about the navigation habits of a user or his/her equipment, among other things and, depending on the information they contained and the way they use your devices, they can be used to recognize the user.
Following the guidelines established by the Spanish Agency of Data Protection, cookies used in this Website are classified in the following way:
Own cookies: These cookies are sent to the user’s terminal device from a device or domain managed by the editor and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
Third-party cookies: These cookies are sent to the user’s terminal device from a device or domain not managed by the editor, but by another entity that treats the data obtained through cookies.
Session cookies: They collect and store data while the user visits a website.
Persistent cookies: These cookies have an expiration date of 2 years at the most from the creation date, which means that during that time the data will be kept stored in the terminal, so they can be accessed and treated.
Technical cookies: They allow the user to navigate through a website, platform or application and use different options or services that may exist thereof.
Personalization cookies: They allow the user to access the service with some general characteristics predefined according to a series of criteria in the user’s terminal such as, for example, the language, the type of browser through which the user accesses the service, the regional configuration from which the user accesses the service, etc.
Analytical cookies: They allow their responsible to follow and analyze the users behavior in the websites to which they are linked. Data collected by this type of cookies is used for measuring the activity of the websites, apps or platforms and for designing the users’ navigation profiles in these sites, apps and platforms in order to introduce improvements based on the analysis of data of the use made by the users.
Advertising cookies: They allow the management, in the more efficient way, of advertising spaces that, in this case, the editor may have included in a website, app or platform from which the service requested is provided based on criteria such as the edited content or the frequency in which the advertisements are shown.
Behavioral advertising cookies: They allow the management, in the more efficient way, of advertising spaces that, in this case, the editor may have included in a website, app or platform from which the service requested is provided. These cookies store information about the users behavior obtained through the continuous observation of their navigation habits, what allows the development of an specific profile in order to show advertisements based on it.
The following table shows the web own and third party cookies and the purpose of each one.
Fundiciones BalaguerID | 1969-12-31T23:59:59.000Z | Unique identifier used in the PHP session | Used by the forms for the generation of CSRF Token. |
cookie-advice | 2118-06-15T10:52:35.000Z | Flag indicating whether the cookie policy has been accepted or not (to show or hide it) | The cookie message will always be displayed. |
_ga | 2020-07-08T10:52:31.000Z | Google Analytics | The functionality of Google Analytics is lost or affected. |
_gat | 2018-07-09T10:53:31.000Z | Google Analytics | The functionality of Google Analytics is lost or affected. |
_gid | 2018-07-10T10:52:31.000Z | Google Analytics | The functionality of Google Analytics is lost or affected. |
_ym_d | 2019-07-09T10:52:32.000Z | Unknow | |
_ym_isad | 2018-07-10T06:52:33.000Z | Unknow | |
_ym_uid | 2019-07-09T10:52:32:000Z | Unknow | |
_ym_visorc_49418089 | 2018-07-09T11:22:33.000Z | Unknow | |
_icl_current_admin_language_d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e | 2018-07-10T11:08:42.15aZ | Identify the current language (in case of administrator) | The language must be calculated at each page reload (affects performance) |
_icl_current_lenguage | 2018-07-10T11:10:50.152Z | Identify the current language | The language must be calculated at each page reload (affects performance) |
wordpress_test_cookie | 1969-12-31T23:59:59.000Z | Cookie introduced by WordPress to see if it is possible to write cookies |
_cfduid |
2019-07-09T10:52:31.092Z |
| |
i |
2019-07-09-T10:52:32.910Z |
| |
yabs-sid |
1969-12-31T23:59:59.000Z |
| |
yandexuid |
2019-07-09T10:52:32.910Z |
| |
fuid01 |
2028-02-07T11:03:34.611Z |
| |
yp |
2028-07-06T10:52:32.910Z |
| |
2019-01-08T11:04:19.030Z |
Google recaptcha | |
The Google captcha would stop working and with it the forms that include it. |
Cookies associated to Google Analytics allow tracking the Website through the tools of the services provided by Google in order to obtain information about the users’ access to Google, Inc. websites, a Delaware entity whose main office is at Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States. Some data stored for later analysis are: the times the user has visited the website, dates of the first and last user’s visit, visits’ length, page from which the user has accessed the website, the search engine used by the user in order to get to the website or link that has chosen, the place of the world from which the user accesses, etc. These cookies setting is predetermined by the service provided by Google, this is the reason why we suggest your visiting Google Analytics privacy website, in order to obtain information about the cookies used and how to deactivate them (understanding that we are not responsible for the content or truthfulness of third party websites).
You can allow, block or remove the installed cookies in your device through the browser’s options setting installed in your computer. Please, read carefully the browser’s help section in order to know more about how to activate the “private mode” or unblock certain cookies.
Internet Explorer:
You can check the Microsoft’s support or the browser’s Help.
You can check the Microsoft’s support or the browser’s Help.
You can check the Chrome’s support or the browser’s Help.
You can check the Apple’s support or the browser’s Help. exposes that the variation of the cookies in this website may not be related to its management and maintenance, this is the reason why periodical revisions are carried out in order to adjust our cookies policy. does not assume any responsibility for legal or technical problems caused by the USER’s failure to fulfill the included recommendations. This communication is made for the users’ knowledge and use; therefore, it must not be used for any other purpose. is not responsible for the content and truthfulness of third party’s privacy policies included in this cookies policy.
If you have any doubts regarding this cookies policy, please contact us through shall modify this Cookies Policy based on the legislative and obligatory requirements, or with the goal of adjusting each policy to the instructions enacted by the Spanish Agency of Data Protection, thus, we suggest Users visiting it periodically.