This Legal Notice regulates the use of the website (hereinafter, the Website) owned by Fundiciones Balaguer S.A., holding VAT number A03028552, located in Polígono Los Vasalos P. 104 03430 Onil (ALICANTE), email address:
Fundiciones Balaguer S.A is registered in the Mercantile Registry Office of Alicante, Book 58, Section 3ª, Volume 288, Sheet 181, Paper 866.
This website was created by Fundiciones Balaguer in order to offer information related to their services for selling, repairing and maintaining rolls for the food processing industry through the website.
The use of this website confers you the condition of User and implies the expressed acceptance of all the provisions included in this Legal Notice, as well as all the specific provisions and warnings established in order to hire specific services, products or use of areas of this Website.
Fundiciones Balaguer is exclusively responsible for the Website as a service supplier of information about its own services, thus the Owner is not responsible for the contents which, in breach of this general terms, users might send or publish, being the user the sole responsible for the truthfulness and lawfulness of those contents.
The user is obliged to use the Website without incurring activities that may be contrary to laws, morals, law enforcement and, in general, to use it according to the terms established in this Legal Notice. Likewise, the user is obliged not to incur advertising or commercial exploitation activities which refer to messages that may use a false identity.
The Owner may interrupt the Website service that is being used by the user and settle the relationship with the user if the Owner detects that the Website or any of the services offered thereof are being used in such a way that may be considered contrary to the contents of this Legal Notice. If the user does not accept the terms established in this Legal Notice, he/she shall abstain from accessing and/or using the services and/or contents at his/her disposal in the Website, thus he/she has to abandon the Website.
We request that you read our Cookies Policy and Data Protection.
The entire content of the Website: such as texts, images, marks, graphics, icons, buttons, software, color combinations, as well as its contents structure, selection, order and presentation are protected by the laws on Intellectual and Industrial Property, thus, their performance, distribution, public communication and transformation is prohibited, except for personal and private use.
Fundiciones Balaguer does not guarantee that the contents are precise and without mistakes nor that the free use of them by the user does not infringe third parties rights. The good or bad use of this Website and its contents are responsibility of the user.
The information contained in the Website must not be performed, retransferred, copied, transferred nor redistributed, totally or partially, no matter its goal and way to do so, without Fundiciones Balaguer previous authorization.
The Website may include links to third parties sites. The websites belonging to third parties have not been revised; neither are subject to controls by Fundiciones Balaguer. In any case, the Owner may not be considered responsible for this websites’ contents, nor the measures adopted related to its privacy or personal data treatment.
Fundiciones Balaguer recommends reading carefully the conditions of use and the privacy policy of these websites.
In case of being interested in activating a link to the Website, you should inform about it in order to obtain the expressed consent to create the link. Fundiciones Balaguer reserves the right of opposition to the links activation to its Website.
This website will use a Blog based on WordPress, as well as Social networks and virtual communities that will be used as means of communication and advertising of Fundiciones Balaguer S.A. services. Social networks and virtual communities used are the following: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Foursquare and Google+, notwithstanding that Fundiciones Balaguer S.A. may use other social networks or virtual communities in the future. These tools are particularly used for achieving media support and promotion of Fundiciones Balaguer S.A. services.
Regarding the information of the social networks’ content, undiciones Balaguer S.A is not accountable, under no circumstances, for the truthfulness, accuracy, adaptation, aptitude and update of the information provided through these social networks.
Content available on the social networks is merely informative, so Fundiciones Balaguer S.A. is not accountable for the decisions made by the User based on these social networks, nor for the damages and injuries to the User or third parties based on this information.
Fundiciones Balaguer S.A. will try to promote the quality of the website by correcting mistakes on data received, as well as, on the site administration. It will also enable third parties to submit a complaint about offensive and inappropriate comments that may not be related to the topics covered, the images and videos published that are not related with the topics for which Social Networks, Communities and Blogs are used. In these cases, Fundiciones Balaguer S.A., as an administrator of the social networks, shall have the power to erase all the information that does not fit the quality, the goal and the good informative and recreational service of social networks. Nevertheless, in spite of the intention on providing the highest quality on the contents, Fundiciones Balaguer S.A. will not be accountable for the information referred.
We inform you that the access to the networks, Blogs and communities that the web uses for the goals previously mentioned requires a service/supply from other services suppliers from the information society. Fundiciones Balaguer S.A. can never be responsible for the reliability, quality, continuity and running of the last ones. Therefore, the company cannot prevent their cancellation or inaccessibility.
Fundiciones Balaguer S.A. will not be accountable for damages and injuries suffered from the User due to malfunctions or disconnections on the networks that may cause losses of information, cancellations or interruptions on the social networks, blogs, and communities’ service when providing this service or before it.
Social networks, communities and Blogs may allow the access to links and other websites. In accordance with the 34/2002 Law of 11th July, on the services of the information society and the electronic commerce, Fundiciones Balaguer S.A. is a mediation service provider, so the company will only be responsible for the contents and services supplied on the linked sites as far as, even if Fundiciones Balaguer S.A. recognizes the illegality of the contents and services, they do not move them away. If users consider that one of the Linked Sites includes illegal or inaccurate content, they may contact Fundiciones Balaguer S.A. via the email provided on this legal notice, and the company will diligently proceed to move these links away.
Fundiciones Balaguer S.A., under no circumstances, is responsible of the contents and services offered on the Linked Sites, so it will not be accountable for the damaged derived from their illegality, quality, outdate, unavailability, error or uselessness.
Fundiciones Balaguer reminds users of legal age, in charge of minors, that it will be their exclusive responsibility to establish which services and/or contents are not appropriate for their age. Fundiciones Balaguer informs you that there are computing programs allowing filtering and blocking the access to certain contents and services in such a way that parents or tutors, for example, can decide which Internet contents and services can be accessed by the minors.
Fundiciones Balaguer will not be direct or subsequent responsible for the following:
The user will be responsible for, including but not limited to:
This Legal Notice is originally written in Spanish and subject to the current Spanish law. Any controversy that may arise from the use of the services offered by this Website or the contents thereof will be to the Jurisdiction of the corresponding Alicante Courts and Tribunals.
Last update: 23 of May of 2018