Our aim at Balaguer Rolls is to develop constinuously improving technology focusing on innovation and quality for milling industry, in order to help customers grow and bring them profit. The rolls manufactured at Balaguer Rolls are subject to exhaustive quality controls in every single stage of the production process in order to guarantee that they meet the requirements requested by our clients: caring for hardness, chill depth, appearance and protection. To do so, we use the most accurate equipment available in the market.
Being quality control our company core idea, at Balaguer Rolls our whole team is involved in the control process in order to reach a continuous improvement always focused on the client’s satisfaction.
Thanks to these professionals committed to quality and the world’s most advanced measurement equipment, at Balaguer Rolls we have an accurate knowledge of the needs of each client in order to offer personalised solutions and to guarantee rolls durability and accuracy.
Some of these measuring tools were developed by Balaguer Rolls R&D Department in order to meet the needs of a fluctuating and demanding market. This is the case of the revolutionary Optical Fluting Test that, in addition to be a portable and compact instrument, offers a measurement precision as never been seen before without needing to contact the rolls thanks to its optical measurement system.